Baidyanath Bhunimbadi Kadha 450ml
Baidyanath Bhunimbadi Kadha 450ml
Baidyanath Bhunimbadi Kadha 450ml
Baidyanath Bhunimbadi Kadha is an Ayurvedic formulation. it is mostly used in the Northern part of India. It is also called as Bhunimbadi Kashaya or Kwath.
Taste: Bitter
Form: Liquid
Type: Herbal tonic
Suitable for: Adults
Gender: Both men and women
Package content: 450ml in an airtight bottle
Baidyanath Bhunimbadi Kadha is an all- natural herbal potent. This effective and pure herbal tonic is made with
- Bilva
- Musta
- Balaka
- Lodhra
- Amruta
- Ativisha
- Coriander
- Indrayava
- Dhanyaka
- Bhunimba
Baidyanath Bhunimbadi Kadha is an Ayurvedic tonic to several health issues. This herbal potent may balance pitta dosha. It is considered beneficial in liver, pika and grahani complaints.
Baidyanath was established in 1917. It is one of the prestigious companies in the world, manufacturing herbal products. Baidyanath has successfully combined modern technology with 5000 years old science, Ayurveda. Baidyanath Bhunimbadi Kadha
- Is 100% herbal
- Is made with best quality ingredients
- Comes with a long shelf life of 24 months
- Is not known to have any side effects if consumed in recommended dose
Baidyanath Bhunimbadi Kadha should be consumed after consulting a physician. Generally, the below steps are followed to have this herbal tonic.
- Have 12-24ml syrup in a day
- Have the supplement before meals
- The supplement should be taken between 6am to 6pm
- Equal amount of water should be mixed with the syrup
- Can be consumed with honey to improve the taste of the kwath
Baidyanath Bhunimbadi Kadha stays fresh and useful for long if the below tips are followed.
- Keep in an airtight bottle
- Store at a cool and dry place
- Keep away from children
- Do not expose to direct sunlight
- Do not exceed the recommended dose
Legal Disclaimer: Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.
Note: May contain additional ingredients. The product description is for information purposes only and it is always better to consume/use products after reading the labels on the products or prescribed by the physician.